Hey everyone, I just wanted to give a quick update on how i'm doing. School is good, i'm enjoying my classes (even when my teachers are confusing and don't know what they are saying). Softball is going really well. I went and saw a doctor about my shoulder on Tuesday. He said I still needed to get stronger before I could start pitching and sprinting, but i'm aloud to start running (jogging) and I can start hitting!!! yeah i'm so excited!! My workouts are going really good, I love the team they are so much fun to practice with. All the girls are really nice and have been really welcoming. Our first game is on February 2, I can't wait! We took team pictures on Wednesday, one of the team photos is already up on the
website but the individual should be up by next week hopefully.
Tonight i'm going to a performance called Tapshoes and Buckets. I think they are some kind of performing group that useing different things, like brooms and trashcans, to make music; I don't know but it should be cool. Afterwards my friends and I are going to the Tongan Club Dance (yes i'm in the Tongan, Hawaiian, and Surfers clubs)!! I'm way excited, it's going to be so much fun!
It's been cold here the past few days (well cold for Hawaii, nothing compared to Utah I know, but still) it's been really windy and raining off and on :-( I wish the sun would shine so that I could go to the beach.
I love and miss everyone!